Lesson from Snake

Lesson from Snake

Leon brought in this snakeskin he found on our property. From our shamanic studies, we know that finding a snakeskin means new beginnings. Snakes shed their outer skin as they grow. Their outer skin layer can’t grow with their body. So it gets sloughed off and the snake starts all over again with a new layer that fits the growth of their body better. New beginnings with growth! Isn’t that what we all are seeking? Something new and different, or better than what we currently have? Something that fits us more appropriately. Life is a constant adjustment for what we choose and where we are.

When Leon measured the skin, he came up with 5 feet 4 inches.

“That’s how tall I am!” I exclaimed.

So now we had a symbol for new beginnings in our lives. Or was it Leon’s life since he found the skin? Or my life because it was my size? Or both our lives since we’re together?   And what kind of new beginning was this going to be? Both of us are constantly working on ourselves. Expanding and transforming our personal development. Connecting more deeply with our soul’s purpose. Impacting more people with each step we take. So what was this about exactly?

Well, two days later I get a call from my office landlord who informed me they were terminating everyone’s lease as there was one individual who wanted to rent the entire floor. We were simply in the way. She hoped I understood it was a business decision.

Well, that is certainly interesting. Time for a new office! Or is it?

When I looked around Sedona, I realized I was pretty picky about what I wanted for office space. And I really didn’t see anything that worked for me.

And that’s when I realized what a gift this actually is to not have an office any more.

You see for two years now, I’ve had a vision board with a picture of a girl and her laptop on the beach. And I told everyone, “I am the girl on the beach, doing her work from anywhere in the world.” Well, if I didn’t have an office, it must be time to step into that ‘anywhere in the world’ that I’ve been manifesting! And allow myself the freedom to really do my work anywhere! I started getting excited just thinking about what that meant!

Probably 85-90% of my work is online, through coaching calls, teleseminars, webinars, group calls, etc. Maybe now it’s time to release the 10-15% of my clients who love my in-person sessions, and let them know that if they choose to continue working with me, it will be over the phone. I felt really good about that idea. So many of my clients who have experienced both in-person and on the phone talk about how much deeper an experience they have over the phone. There are no distractions. They’re in the safety of their space. They can really let go and allow. Hmm. I think it’s time for something new. Something I’ve been planning for. Something I’ve longed for that would give me complete freedom.

Athough there were a few moments when I panicked at the thought of more change in my life, I quickly realized that is a wonderful opportunity for me!  Moving all my business from a physical location to an energetic location!  I love it!

I share this with you because I realize that many of you are either experiencing change and don’t know what to do with it OR would like to experience change because you feel stuck or helpless and simply don’t know how to manifest it.

For this reason, I’m offering a FREE 15 minute Angel Coaching Call.  To help you get really clear on what’s important to you and to help you move through whatever is in your way to success!  To help you with your steps for change or to create your desired change in your life.

Use the online scheduler below to schedule your FREE 15 minute Angel Coaching Call now!

Life is too short to be bored, or to feel stuck.  The time to live with zest is now.  And I can help you.  Click below for your FREE 15 minute Angel Coaching Call now.   I look forward to helping you live your joy.   To create the change you wish to see in your life.



ps–Imagine actually creating the change you desire, instead of feeling like a victim of change!  I’m here to help you move into manifestation with ease, grace, and abundance!  Schedule your appointment now!  My calendar fills quickly.

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