What’s new? Upcoming books….


Over twenty years ago, I wrote The Energy Pyramid, a memoir of my meditation experiences.

In this short book (all of mine are short!) I outline the steps I learned from my guides as I opened to the gifts of meditation and worked with higher realms of consciousness.

Some of these steps blew my mind.

Like learning how to channel.

Learning how to be a medium.

And so much more.

The Energy Pyramid is composed of twenty steps or lessons and organized into five levels for convenience and function. The steps are best studied sequentially in order to provide the most powerful growth experience.  Each step consists of a brief description of the lesson, my journal entry and personal example, a meditation to bring a deeper understanding of the concept and an affirmation to cement the idea in one’s consciousness.  Short and direct, each step uses simple language to put ideas into action.

“It is my belief that as we work through each step and level, learning those lessons we need in this lifetime, applying our knowledge, and living with and loving Spirit or our higher power, we can raise our personal and collective energy levels and surpass our life goals in order to do Spirit’s work.

“We can indeed be the best that we can be.”

It amazes me how even then I talked about the power of unconditional love, using our gifts for the greater good, accessing our spirit helpers, connecting with our higher selves, and connecting to the heart of Spirit for the attainment of our life work.

I was guided to share this manuscript with a few people at the time I wrote it.

One freaked out and locked all her doors and windows.  (As if that would keep out Spirit!)

Another looked at me and asked, “What exactly did you want me to do with this?”

The third one, who I honestly thought would have the hardest time with this said, “I think this is like Gary Zukov’s The Seat of the Soul.”

I didn’t really know what to do with it, but the angels were so persistent!

They wanted this published.

At the time, Kindle hadn’t been invented yet. So I opted for a boutique publisher that simply formatted it and posted it.  They didn’t do a very good job, but I didn’t know what to tell them to do differently.  So the book has mouldered on Amazon for quite awhile.

But it’s time for a redo!

I’m ready to bring it out, dust it off, make it better (if possible and if guided), and see if it helps more people!

I actually found a recording of the first meditation in the book.

If you’re interested, you can listen to it here.

I also found my charts with crystals, essential oils and affirmations that match each step.  It was quite a labor of love!

I’d like to include those in the book redo, as I think the world is ready for this now.  I really believe it was ahead of its time.  Even Doreen Virtue hadn’t made an appearance when I wrote this!

Stay tuned!

I’ll let you know when it’s ready.

Direct and Divine Alignment:  How to Manifest Miracles and Live Abundantly on Purpose

“Welcome!  We are The Collective of One:  a collective of advanced souls, by your standards, who have chosen not to be in the physical form at this time.  Together, our collective learning and teachings cover a broad spectrum of self-knowledge, awareness, insights, and empowerment.  We wish to share all of this with you at this time because you have requested to be a channel for advanced knowledge and wisdom, and because the time is right for you on Planet Earth to hear this.”

This is how I met them, with this transmission during a meditation.

And they have continued to share with me different meditations and ideas to  remove obstacles to being the change I wish to see in the world, move forward on my path of leading, healing, and teaching plus feeling more confident in my voice as an instrument of love.

Right now, I’m thinking it will be an audio book and an ebook.

But I’ll need to work with The Collective of One to see how they would like to appear.

This is a work in progress, and I’ll know when it’s ‘done’.

In the meantime, you can listen to one of the meditations that came through them to me. It’s called The Heart’s Alignment Meditation.  And I think you’ll really like it!

Click here,

put in your name and email address,

and you’ll have immediate access to it.

After creating your account use this link to access your meditation again:


Special first-to-know-it’s-published emails will be mailed to those who have this meditation!